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GCN Circular 4349

GRB051105: optical observations
2005-12-14T18:07:57Z (19 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
D. Sharapov, M. Ibrahimov (MAO), A.Pozanenko (IKI), V.Rumyantsev (CrAO) on
behalf of larger GRB follow up collaboration report:

We observed the error box of  short duration GRB051105 (Mineo et al. GCN
4188) with 1.5m telescope of Maidanak Astronomical Observatory under good
weather condition (seeing ~1.1). Set of  R images were taken starting on
Nov.5 (UT) 13:59, i.e. 7.6 hours after burst onset. The BAT refined error
box (Barbier et al. GCN 4194) is partially covered  (~70%). The second set
of R images were taken on Dec.1 between (UT) 13:33 and 14:09.

The following R magnitudes of objects mentioned in GCN circulars
4195,4196,4201,4199,4202,4203,4204 were estimated at mean epoch  of
observation (UT) Nov.5 14:17

R.A. (J2000)  Decl. (J2000)      R(mag)          ID
17 41 10.00   +34 55 45.2    21.50  0.16    inside XRT S1
17 41 10.28   +34 55 41.1    22.54  0.40    outside XRT S1
17 41 03.28   +34 59 03.6    out of image   radio

The estimations are based on the comparison star magnitude R=17.0 used by
Piranomonte et al. (GCN 4201);  coordinates in the table  are taken from
Halpern at al. (GCN 4202).

No new/fading source was detected within ~70% of refined BAT error box
(Barbier et al. GCN 4194) between both epochs of our observations. The
photometry of extended galaxy mentioned by Klose, Laux, & Stecklum (GCN
4196)  and  details of the observations are following

Mid time,  Exposure, Galaxy,         Mag.(UL),Seeing
(UT)          (s)     R(mag)

Nov.5 14:17  1380    18.211 +/- 0.022  22.1   1.10"
Dec.1 13:51  1800    18.122 +/- 0.019  21.8   1.45"

Using available at this time observations we cannot confirm possible
re-brightening of the galaxy in the 2nd epoch. Detailed calibrations are
necessary and further monitoring of the galaxy would be encouraged. If
confirmed then it might be connected with SN associated with short duration

The stacked images of both epochs  can be found at

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