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GCN Circular 4350

GRB051211B: Probable radio afterglow
2005-12-14T23:25:49Z (19 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <>
Dale A. Frail (NRAO) reports on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We used the Very Large Array to observe the INTEGRAL burst GRB051211B
(GCN4327) at a frequency of 8.46 GHz on 2005 December 14.02 UT. We
find a single weak radio source (66+/-19 uJy) coincident with the
fading X-ray afterglow identified by the XRT (GCN 4338), with an error
of +/-1.3 arcsec in each coordinate.

Further observations are planned.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National
Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated
Universities, Inc."
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