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GCN Circular 437

GRB 991106, LOTIS Optical Observations
1999-11-07T04:52:55Z (25 years ago)
Grant Williams at Clemson <>
G. G. Williams (Clemson Univ.), H. S. Park, R. Porrata (LLNL)
report on behalf of the LOTIS collaboration:

During a routine sky patrol the LOTIS telescope observed the field of GRB
991106 in two 10 s images at 2.65 minutes and 3.02 minutes after the burst
(10:57:06 UT and 10:57:28 UT). There was no real-time BATSE trigger for
this event. LOTIS also obtained 12 sky patrol images of the position prior
to the burst during the interval 4:23:00 UT to 9:51:16 UT.  Comparison of
the images obtained after the burst with the previous sky patrol images,
the Digital Sky Survey, and the Guide Star Catalog reveal no OT within the
BeppoSAX WFC error box (Gandolfi et al. GCN 435) brighter than m = 13.4
(10-sigma). No astronomical filter was used during these observations.  
Further analysis is in progress.

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