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GCN Circular 438

GRB991106, optical observation at SAO-RAS
1999-11-07T17:22:21Z (25 years ago)
Nicola Masetti at ITeSRE,CNR,Bologna <>
S. Mitronova, A. Kopylov, S. Zharikov, T. Fatkhullin, I. Karachentsev, V.
Sokolov, S. Kaisin (SAO-RAS), N. Masetti (ITeSRE/CNR, Bologna), on behalf of
the BeppoSAX GRB collaboration, communicate:

"We acquired on Nov 6.776 UT one R-band (300s exposure) image of
the central part of the GRB991106 error box (GCN #434, #435) using the CCD
camera of the 6m SAO-RAS telescope. The 3-sigma limiting magnitude
of the image, estimated using USNO-A1.0 field stars, is R~23.5.
Comparison of our image with the DSS did not reveal any new object
brighter than the DSS limit (R~21) 7.7 hours after the GRB trigger. 
The FITS file of the R frame as well as a .gif image can be found at the
URL .".

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