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GCN Circular 439

GRB 991105, optical observations
1999-11-08T18:34:21Z (25 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astrofisica de <>
GRB 991105, optical observations

Alberto Castro-Tirado, LAEFF-INTA (Madrid) and IAA-CSIC (Granada)
Javier Gorosabel and Celia Sanchez-Fernandez, LAEFF-INTA (Madrid)
Pam Kilmartin and John Hearnshaw, University of Canterbury
Ian Bond, Nick Rattembury and Phil Yock, University of Auckland
K. Ohnishi, Nagano National College of Technology
and Marco Feroci, IAS (Frascati), on behalf of the BSAX team


"We have obtained six 10-minute exposures at the revised
BeppoSAX WFC position for GRB 991105 (Piro et al. GCN 433)
with the 0.61-m Mount John University Observatory (MJUO)
telescope. The first set of images were taken on Nov 6.41 UT
(17.1 hr after the GRB) through a broad band filter (R + I
bandpass). The second one was obtained on Nov 7.37 UT with
identical setup. After a visual comparison with the Digital
Sky Survey and among the two co-added images, no sources
varying by more than 0.3 mag were seen to the DSS limit (R
about 21) within the BeppoSAX error box."

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