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GCN Circular 4436

GRB 060105: Mitsume optical observations
2006-01-05T21:33:51Z (19 years ago)
Nobuyuki Kawai at Tokyo Tech <>
K. Yanagisawa (OAO/NAOJ), Y. Yatsu, and N. Kawai (Tokyo Tech) report
on behalf of the Mitsume collaboration: 

"We have observed the field of GRB 060105 (Ziaeepour et al. GCN 4429)
with the three-color Mitsume 50 cm telescopes at Okayama and Akeno,
Japan starting at 9:14 UT (2.4 hours after the burst).  
The summary of the observations is following:

Telescope      bands      time (UT)          exposure
---------   ----------   ----------------   ------------
Okayama     g', Rc, Ic   09:14 - 09:41 UT    60 s x 20 
Akeno       V,  Rc, Ic   09:32 - 11:20 UT    30 s x 158
---------   ----------   ----------------   ------------

Comparison with the DSS-2R image does not reveal an OT at the position
of the XRT error circle.
The 10-sigma upper limit magnitudes for the Okayama images are 

 g': 17.1
 Rc: 17.3
 Ic: 17.5

The images obtained at Okayama can be viewed at"
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