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GCN Circular 4437

GRB 060105: Swift/UVOT upper limits
2006-01-05T23:31:06Z (19 years ago)
Patricia Schady at MSSL/Swift <>
P. Schady (UCL-MSSL/PSU), M. Page (UCL-MSSL), A. Cucchiara (PSU),
F. Marshall (GSFC), N. Gehrels (GSFC) on behalf of the Swift/UVOT
team report:

The Swift/UVOT began observing the field of GRB 060105 at 06:50:59
UT on 2006-01-05, 91 s after the BAT trigger (Ziaeepour et al., GCN
4429). No source was observed in any of the UVOT filters at the XRT position 
and the potential candidate mentioned in GCN 4429 is most likely contamination 
from a bright, nearby star. The 3-sigma upper limits in summed images from each 
of the filters are listed below (not corrected for extinction; E(B-V) = 0.171).

Filter   T_range(s)  Exp(s)  3sigUL(mag)

V        91-29544    29453    20.4
B        457-5533    5076     20.1
U        403-23780   23377    20.8
W1       349-22873   22524    20.3
M2	 295-30329   30034    20.6
W2	 565-28638   28073    21.0
White    511-889     378      19.9

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