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GCN Circular 443

GRB991106: the first BeppoSAX short GRB detection?
1999-11-09T16:47:36Z (25 years ago)
Giangiacomo Gandolfi at IAS/CNR Frascati <>
GRB991106: the first BeppoSAX short GRB detection?

G.Gandolfi, E.Costa, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale (IAS)/CNR, Roma, L.
Di Ciolo, G.Tarei, BeppoSAX Scientific Operation Centre, Telespazio, Roma,
M.J.S. Smith, J. In't Zand, Space Research Organization of the Netherlands
(SRON), Utrecht, report:
"The BeppoSAX Gamma Ray Burst Monitor (GRBM) and Wide
Field Camera (WFC unit 1) observed an untriggered, faint and possibly
short gamma-ray burst on November 6.4545 UT. A preliminary analysis
reveals a duration of about 1 s in the GRBM, with a peak photon countrate
of 120 cts/s in the 40-700 keV energy band. In the WFC, the duration is
about 5 s and the peak flux is 0.3 Crab (2-26 keV). The position of the
X-ray counterpart is R.A. = 22h24m49s Decl. =  +54d21'.9 (equinox 2000.0)
with an 99% error radius of  3.2'. An analysis of the 70 ksec NFI
follow-up, performed about 8 hours after, is being carried on."

 Giangiacomo Gandolfi              | E-mail:
 Istituto Astrofisica Spaziale     |
 C.N.R.                            | 
 Via Fosso del Cavaliere           | phone: -39-06-4993-4005
 I-00133 Roma                      | 
 Italy                             | fax(CNR)  : -39-06-20660188
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