GCN Circular 4447
GRB060108: Faulkes Telescope observation
2006-01-08T18:52:27Z (19 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at ARI,Liverpool JMU <crg@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
C. Guidorzi, C.G. Mundell, A. Gomboc, A. Monfardini, I. A. Steele,
C.J. Mottram, R.J. Smith, M.F. Bode (Liverpool JMU), P. O'Brien, E. Rol,
N. Bannister (Leicester) report:
"The 2-m Faulkes Telescope North (Hawaii) robotically followed up
GRB060108 (SWIFT trigger 176453) 2.7 min after the GRB trigger time.
The automatic "detection mode" procedure did not find any afterglow
candidate brighter than R~19.5 mag (vs USNOB1) from a 3x10s exposure.
In particular, we do not find any optical candidate corresponding to the
X-ray afterglow found by XRT (Page et al., GCN 4444).
The visual extinction of the field is negligible (A_V~0.1) according
to the Schlegel et al. maps.
Further automated observations were carried following on from the
"detection mode" exposures. Manual inspection of both sets of
observations also does not find an afterglow candidate to the following
limiting magnitudes."
Mid Time Filter Tot.Exposure Lim. Mag.
since GRB
3.1 min R 30s 19.5
11.7 min R 240s 20.2