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GCN Circular 4536

GRB 060117: FRAM refined analysis
2006-01-17T10:50:00Z (19 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <>
Martin Jelinek (IAA Greanada, Spain),
Petr Kubanek, (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep. and ISDC Versoix, Switzerland)
Michael Prouza (FZU Praha, Czech Rep.,
Martin Nekola and Rene Hudec (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep.)


The observation of the GRB060117 (GCN 4533, 4534, 4535)
started with a 10s R-band exposure at 06:52:05.4 UT, i.e. 124s
after the GRB. The afterglow magnitude is 11.5+/-0.3
(calibration noise) and faded by 1.4mag during the first 120s
of observation.

The optical candidate is at a refined position:
21:51:36.13 -59:58:39.1 +/-1.5" (J2000)

We note that the originally reported position was wrong by 20"
in declination.

[GCN OPS NOTE(07apr10): As pointed out by F.Marshall, the missing
minus sign on the declination was added.]
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