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GCN Circular 4558

GRB 060121: optical observations
2006-01-22T09:03:37Z (19 years ago)
Grant Williams at Steward Observatory <>
G. G. Williams, E. Olszewski, and P. A. Milne (Steward Observatory) 

We observed the HETE-SXC error region of the short/hard GRB 060121 
(Arimoto et al., GCN 4550, Prigozhin et al., GCN 4551, Boer et al., GCN 
4552) with the 90prime imager on the Steward Observatory 90-inch Bok 
telescope at Kitt Peak.  We obtained two sets of summed images in Rc, each 
with a total exposure time of 1800 seconds, beginning at 04:02:45 UT (5.6 
hours after the GRB) and at 05:40:29 UT.  Visual comparison of these 
images reveals no significantly variable sources to approximately 1.0 
magnitudes deeper than the SDSS r' image (Cool et al., GCN 4554).

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