GCN Circular 4617
GRB 060130: FRAM optical observations
2006-01-30T10:23:38Z (19 years ago)
Petr Kubanek at AIO <petr@lascaux.asu.cas.cz>
Petr Kubanek (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep. and ISDC Versoix, Switzerland),
Michael Prouza (FZU Praha, Czech Rep.),
Martin Jelinek (IAA Granada, Spain),
Martin Nekola and Rene Hudec (ASU Ondrejov, Czech Rep.)
The wide field camera of the FRAM telescope, located at Pierre Auger
observatory in Malargue, Argentina, observed the field of INTEGRAL GRB
060130 (D. Gotz et al., GCN 4615, 4616) starting at 9:09:36 UT, eg. 4h
13m after GRB. Observations was manually triggered and started under
dawn sky (but at favorable zenith distance ~ 25 deg).
Comparison with GSC does not reveal any new source within INTEGRAL error
box down to R mag ~ 13.
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