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GCN Circular 4642

GRB 060202: PROMPT Observations
2006-02-04T02:17:57Z (19 years ago)
Chelsea Louise MacLeod at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT <>
C. MacLeod, J. Haislip, M. Nysewander, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, J. A.
Crain, A. Foster, K. Ivarsen, and J. Kirschbrown report on behalf of the
UNC team of the FUN GRB collaboration:

We observed the localization of GRB 060202 (Fox et al., GCN 4629; Morris et
al., GCN 4632) with three of the PROMPT telescopes simultaneously in Ur'I
beginning 16.1 hours after the burst under the automated control of Skynet:

Filter  Telescope  Start (UT)  Stop (UT)  Exposures  Total (hr)
U       PROMPT-2   00:38:20    00:57:40   12 x 80s   0.32
r'      PROMPT-4   00:37:37    00:57:57   13 x 80s   0.34
I       PROMPT-1   00:38:15    00:57:14   12 x 80s   0.32

No new source is found to I > 19.1 mag (3 sigma; calibrated to seven
USNO-B1.0 stars).

PROMPT is currently being built and commissioned at CTIO.
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