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GCN Circular 4648

GRB 060203: IR Counterpart
2006-02-04T04:31:02Z (19 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <>
J. S. Bloom, K. Alatalo (UCB) and C. Blake (Harvard) report:

"Starting at 2006-Feb-04 01h41m09 UT we began observing the field of =20
GRB 060203 (GCN 4641) with PAIRITEL. We analyzed the mosaics =20
constructed from the first 918 seconds. Consistent with the XRT =20
position (GCN 4644, 4641) and the suggested OT (GCN 4643, 4645, =20
4646), we find a bright IR counterpart in JHKs with preliminary =20

J   =3D 17.90 =B1  0.05
H  =3D 17.20 =B1 0.06
Ks =3D  16.18 =B1  0.07

Observations continue."

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