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GCN Circular 4696

GRB 060206 : Lulin optical observations
2006-02-06T18:43:53Z (19 years ago)
Yuji Urata at RIKEN <>
C.S. Lin, H.C. Lin, C.W. Chen, K.Y Huang W.H. Ip (NCU)
Y. Urata (RIKEN), Y. Qiu (NAOC) on behalf of EAFON report: 

"We are observing GRB 060206 optical afterglow using 0.4-m and 1.0-m
telescope at Lulin observatory, Taiwan. The imaging observation with
B, V, R and I band were started at 15:49:15 UT (11.04 hours after the
burst). The optical afterglow is detected in all bands.

The stacked B-band image made from three 300 s exposures is available at

 MID Time(UT) Filter Exp.  mag   Telescope
 15.86        R      300s  18.8  LOT

Further observations and analysis are in progress"
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