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GCN Circular 4701

GRB 060206: Lick 3m Spectroscopy
2006-02-07T02:47:37Z (19 years ago)
Ryan Foley at UC Berkeley <>
J. X. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz), D. S. Wong, S. H. Park,
A. V. Filippenko, R. J. Foley, and W. Li (UC Berkeley)

"We observed the afterglow of GRB 060206 with the Kast
double spectrograph on the Shane 3-m reflector at Lick
Observatory for 6000 s starting at UT 10:11 on 6 Feb.,
under poor observing conditions.  We confirm the report
from Fynbo et al. (GCN 4692) of strong metal-line features
and a damped Lya profile centered at z = 4.048 +/- 0.001.
The absence of a Lya forest redward of 6200 Ang marks this
absorption system as the ISM of the host galaxy of GRB 060206.

A Voigt profile analysis of the Lya profile gives
log N(HI) = 20.90 +/- 0.15. The absence of a strong feature at
SII 1253 places an upper limit to the metallicity of
[S/H] < -0.9, while the detection of Fe II 1608 implies
[Fe/H] > -1.7 dex.  Finally, the rest EW of Si II 1526
(1.1 Ang) implies a velocity width for the low-ionization
species greater than 200 km/s.

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