GCN Circular 4743
GRB060211B: Swift/XRT position
2006-02-11T19:03:48Z (19 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <kennea@astro.psu.edu>
J. A. Kennea (PSU), K. Page and C. Hurkett (U. Leicester) report on behalf
of the Swift/XRT Team:
We have performed a preliminary analysis of Swift/XRT ground-linked data
for GRB060211B (Mateos et al., GCN 4739). We find a uncatalogued, fading
source at the following location:
RA(J2000): 05:00:17.2
Dec(J2000): +14:56:57.1
with an estimated uncertainty of 6 arcseconds (90% containment). This
position lies 33 arcseconds from the BAT position reported in GCN 4739. A
full analysis of the XRT data will follow.