GCN Circular 4771
GRB 060213: optical afterglow candidate
2006-02-17T20:28:27Z (19 years ago)
Martin Jelinek at Inst.Astrophys.Andalucia,Granada <mates@iaa.es>
S. Guziy, M. Jelinek, A. J. Castro-Tirado,
S. B. Pandey, A. de Ugarte Postigo, S. Vitek,
J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC, Granada), K. Viironen
(IAC La Laguna), J. A. Caballero (IAC and ING
of Telescopes, La Palma) and L. Sabin (ING)
"Following the detection by the IPN of GRB 060213 (Pal'shin et
al. GCN Circ. 4762) we obtained 3 x 180s images with the 2.5m
INT (+WFC camera) at La Palma starting on 16.05 Feb UT (i.e.
60 hr after the event).
In the 10" XRT errorbox given by Morris et al. (GCN Circ.
4770) the comparison of the stacked image with the DSS-2
reveals a new point-like source with R about 21.5
(preliminary, against usnob) at
RA = 09 26 24.14 Dec = -09 06 57.4 (+/- 0".3, J2000).
We suggest that this is the optical afterglow to GRB 060213.
Further observations are planned."
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