GCN Circular 4894
GRB060319: Swift/UVOT upper limits
2006-03-19T08:34:34Z (19 years ago)
Alexander Blustin at MSSL-UCL <ajb@mssl.ucl.ac.uk>
A. J. Blustin (UCL-MSSL), H. Ziaeepour (UCL-MSSL), F. E. Marshall
(NASA/GSFC) on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team
The Swift/UVOT began taking data on the field of GRB060319 at
00:58:02 on 2006-03-19, 139 s after the BAT trigger (Ziaeepour et
al., GCN 4885). In the initial 100 s White filter image no new
source is detected at the XRT position (Kennea et al., GCN 4886)
down to a 3-sigma magnitude upper limit of 20.6. No source is
detected in summed images from any of the filters down to the
following 3-sigma upper limits.
Filter T_range(s) Exp(s) 3sigUL(mag)
V 500-2150 544 19.9
B 448-2102 128 20.2
U 423-2078 158 20.0
UVW1 400-2054 178 19.8
UVM2 245-2030 308 19.9
UVW2 476-2141 158 20.2
White 139-2116 276 20.7
These magnitudes are not corrected for Galactic extinction;