GCN Circular 4997
No OT 060420 in MASCOT images
2006-04-22T15:45:00Z (19 years ago)
Alain Smette at ESO/Chile <asmette@eso.org>
A. Smette (ESO Chile) reports:
The Mini All-Sky Cloud Observation Tool (MASCOT) located at ESO's
Very Large Telescope Observatory, Cerro Paranal, Chile,
(http://www.eso.org/instruments/mascot/index.html) obtained 90 s
images simultaneously to the CONCAM images reported in GCN 4995.
Comparison with previous MASCOT images indicates that there is no
optical transient at the reported location of the proposed OT060420 in
images taken between 2006-04-20T00:15 and 2006-04-20T00:36 UT.
Although conditions were cloudy, limiting magnitudes are similar to
the CONCAM images.
MASCOT images are available through the ESO archive: