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GCN Circular 5021

GRB 060428b : Kiso R-band limit
2006-04-28T13:16:35Z (19 years ago)
Yuji Urata at Saitama U <>
M.Abe (ISAS/JAXA), Y. Sarugaku, H.Mito (Tokyo Univ.), Y.L. Qiu,
W.K. Zheng (NAOC), K.Y. Huang(NCU), Y. Urata (Saitama Univ.) 
on behalf of EAFON report:

"We have observed the GRB 060428B field (GCN #5017) using Kiso 1.05m
telescope. The R and B band observations were started from 2.3 hours
after the burst (after end of twilight).  The limiting magnitude
derived from USNOB1.0 is R=20.7 (SN=3). The candidate (GCN #5019) do
not appear brighter than the limiting magnitude. This result indicates
that the candidate is afterglow of GRB 060428B.

Further analysis is in progress."

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