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GCN Circular 5027

GRB 060428B: KAIT observations
2006-04-28T17:18:35Z (19 years ago)
Weidong Li at UC Berkeley KAIT/LOSS <>
From alex@wormhole.Berkeley.EDU  Fri Apr 28 10:07:14 2006
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Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:07:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: Alex Filippenko <>
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To: Weidong Li<>
Subject: here it is, slightly edited
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W. Li, R. Chornock, N. Butler, J. Bloom, and A. V. Filippenko (University of
California, Berkeley), on behalf of the KAIT GRB team, report:

The robotic 0.76-m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT)
at Lick Observatory observed GRB 060428B, detected with Swift
(Trigger 207399; Campana et al. GCN 5017). The automatic sequence
started at 08:57:50, 192 s after the burst. In a 15 s unfiltered 
image, no afterglow candidate is detected to a limiting magnitude
of 18.7 (from comparison with the USNO B1.0 catalog). Our real-time
image processing software detected the optical afterglow candidate
reported by Price et al. (GCN 5019) in a 60 s unfiltered image started
at 642 s after the burst, with the following precise (+/- 0.3") position:

RA = 15:41:25.63   Dec = +62:01:30.3 (J2000.)

A table of photometry (3-sigma limits and detections) is reported 
below. The photometry of the afterglow candidate suggests a flat
luminosity evolution from 10 to 35 minutes after the burst, but
we caution that the photometry may suffer larger uncertainties than
reported due to relatively poor detections and the contamination of a 
nearby source.


Start UT   t(GRB)   exposure(s)   Filter   3sigma-limit       detection 

08:57:50   192s    15.0          clear    18.7       
08:58:27   229s    15.0          V        16.9
08:58:57   259s    15.0          I        17.2
08:59:28   290s    20.0          clear    19.0
09:00:04   326s    45.0          V        17.7
09:01:04   386s    45.0          I        18.3
09:02:05   427s    45.0          clear    19.2
09:03:07   489s    60.0          V        17.9
09:04:23   565s    60.0          I        18.3
09:05:40   642s    60.0          clear                       19.58 +/- 0.13
09:10:51   953s    120.0         clear                       19.64 +/- 0.13
09:18:51   1433s   240.0         clear                       19.40 +/- 0.11
09:30:55   2157s   360.0         clear                       19.52 +/- 0.11
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