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GCN Circular 5081

GRB 060505: Swift XRT Team Refined Analysis
2006-05-06T16:54:21Z (19 years ago)
Maria Laura Conciatore at ASDC <>
M.L. Conciatore, M. Capalbi, L. Vetere (ASDC), L.A. Antonelli (INAF/OAR),
D. Palmer (LANL), D. Burrows (PSU) report on behalf of the Swift/XRT

We analysed the first 8 ks XRT data from GRB 060505. We found two
detections whithin the BAT error circle (GCN 5076). The first source
already reported in GCN 5078 shows a constant flux of (1.1 +/- 0.1)e-2
counts/s and it is unlikely to be associated with the afterglow of GRB
060505. We also note that the 2df galaxy S173Z112 lays within the XRT
error circle (GCN 5078).

A very faint second source is located at:

RA(J2000) = 22h 07m 4.5s,
Dec(J2000) =-27d 49m 57.8s

with an uncertainty of 4.7 arcsec (90% containment). This position lies
63.2 arcseconds from the center of the BAT error circle reported in
GCN 5076. Due to the small number of counts (15 counts) we are unable
to determine whether the source is the possible afterglow candidate of
GRB 060505.

We note that the positions of both sources are also consistent with a
previously known ROSAT source (1WGA J2207.0-2749) error box (50 arcsec).

This Circular is an official product of the Swift XRT Team.
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