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GCN Circular 5082

GRB060505: Swift/UVOT Observations
2006-05-06T17:17:46Z (19 years ago)
Peter Brown at PSU <>
P J. Brown (Penn State) & D. Palmer (LANL)
on behalf of the Swift/UVOT team.

The Swift/UVOT began observing the field of GRB060505
(BAT Trigger=208654, Palmer et. al, GCN 5076) at
2006-05-05 20:58:30 UT, 14.37 hours after the BAT trigger.
The galaxy at the position of the first XRT source
(Conciatore et al GCN 5078) is detected in all 6 filters
but does not show significant variation, consistent with
Conciatore et al (GCN 5081).

No source is detected at the position of the second XRT
source (Conciatore et al GCN 5081) in coadded images with
any of the filters. The following 5-sigma magnitude
upper limits are not corrected for Galactic extinction.

Filter   T_range(h)  T_exp(s)  5sigmaUpperLimit(mag)

V        14.85-19.73   835      19.1
B        14.56-19.44   835      20.2
U	 14.49-19.38   835      19.9
UVW1     14.37-19.32   1666     19.8
UVM2     14.92-19.85   1987     20.1
UVW2     14.62-19.67   3388     21.0

Where T_range is time post-trigger in hours, and T_exp
is the exposure time of the summed image in seconds.
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