GCN Circular 5175
GRB 060526: MDM-2.4m Observations
2006-05-27T18:38:09Z (19 years ago)
Xinyu Dai at Ohio State U <xinyu@astronomy.ohio-state.edu>
N. D. Morgan and X. Dai (Ohio State Univ.)
We observed GRB 060526 (GCN 5162, Campana et al. 2006) with MDM-2.4m for
three epochs. The afterglow is detected in all three observations.
Using USNO B-1 star as the reference (RA=15:31:18.6, DEC=+00 17 34.9,
R2MAG=16.35, same one used in GCN5173 Khamitov et al. 2006), we get
Rc = 19.90 @ May 27, 03:33:00 UT
Rc = 19.98 @ May 27, 06:02:00 UT
Rc = 20.11 @ May 27, 09:49:00 UT
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