GCN Circular 5232
GRB 060522: PROMPT Optical Limits
2006-06-06T18:37:05Z (19 years ago)
Chelsea Louise MacLeod at UNC-Chapel Hill/PROMPT <chelseam@physics.unc.edu>
A. Smith, S. Parris, C. MacLeod, J. Harvey, M. Nysewander, D. Reichart,
report on behalf of the UNC team of the FUN GRB Collaboration:
Skynet observed the localization of the high-redshift GRB 060522 (Fox et
al., GCN 5150, Cenko et al., GCN 5155) with three of the 16" PROMPT
telescopes at CTIO and with 14.5" TTT in Colorado beginning 3.1 hours after
the burst:
Filter Start (UT) Stop (UT) Exposures Total (hr) Telescope
r' 05:17:02 09:39:04 74 x 80s 1.6 PROMPT-4
U 05:17:04 09:39:20 74 x 80s 1.6 PROMPT-3
z' 05:18:08 10:28:57 145 x 80s 3.2 PROMPT-5
+ 1 x 40s
i' 05:42:49 10:28:20 72 x 80s 1.6 PROMPT-4
g' 05:42:49 10:28:38 72 x 80s 1.6 PROMPT-3
V 07:29:06 09:37:22 22 x 160s 1.0 TTT
Red* 07:24:57 10:25:26 36 x 160s 1.6 TTT
* Approximates R band
We were unable to see the afterglow down to a 3-sigma limiting magnitude of
r' > 21.2 and z' > 20.9 at 4.2 hours and i' > 21.5 and z' > 21.3 at 4.9
hours after the burst.