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GCN Circular 528

GRB 000126, optical observations
2000-02-01T20:35:24Z (25 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
GRB 000126, optical observations

Alberto Castro-Tirado, LAEFF-INTA (Madrid) and IAA-CSIC (Granada)
Rene Hudec and Jan Soldan, ASU (Ondrejov)
Petr Pata and Martin Bernas, CVUT-FEL (Prague)
Jose Maria Castro Ceron, ROA (San Fernando)
Javier Gorosabel, LAEFF-INTA (Madrid) and DSRI (Copenhagen)
on behalf of the BOOTES-1 Collaboration
and Kevin Hurley, SSL (Berkeley)


"We have obtained several images of the IPN error box for
GRB 000126 (Hurley et al. GCN 525, Kippen et al. GCN 526) with
the wide-field CCD of BOOTES-1 on Jan 27.89 UT (22-h after the
GRB, 5-min exposure time) and with the narrow-field CCD attached
to the 0.3-m telescope on Jan 28.89 UT (46-h after the event,
10-min exposure time). Limiting magnitudes of the unfiltered
images are about 11 and 19 respectively.  None of them reveals
any new (or strongly variable source) when comparing with the
Digital Sky Survey, in agreement with the results obtained by
Axelrod et al. (GCN 527). The two images are posted at"

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