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GCN Circular 530

BATSE+IPN location of GRB000131
2000-02-03T00:02:02Z (25 years ago)
R. Marc Kippen at BATSE/UAH/MSFC <>
R. M. Kippen (UAH/MSFC) reports on behalf of the BATSE GRB Team:

GRB000131 was detected by BATSE as trigger #7975 at 53877.497 s UT on
2000 January 31.  BACODINE/GCN locations were not issued because the
trigger began in a real-time telemetry gap.  The burst lasts more than
100 s and is therefore undoubtedly the same event detected by KONUS,
Ulysses and NEAR (GCN 529) some 76 s after the BATSE trigger time
(corresponding to the brightest pulse of the burst).  The final BATSE
location is (R.A., Dec. J2000) = (94.0, -52.0 deg), with a total
(statistical + systematic) error radius of 2.3 deg (68% Conf.).  This
location rules out one of the two possible IPN error boxes (GCN 529),
which means that the most probable combined BATSE+IPN error-box is:

                          RA(2000)            DEC(2000)
 ERROR BOX CENTER:    6 h 13 m 32.72 s    -51 o 55 '  36.77 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 1:  6 h 13 m  8.83 s    -52 o  2 '  20.83 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 2:  6 h 13 m 25.43 s    -51 o 50 '  11.43 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 3:  6 h 13 m 40.09 s    -52 o  1 '   1.94 " 
 ERROR BOX CORNER 4:  6 h 13 m 56.59 s    -51 o 48 '  52.07 "

The center of this box is within about 0.4 deg of the independent
BATSE location centroid.

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