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GCN Circular 531

GRB 991208, radio observations
2000-02-03T09:02:38Z (25 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid <>
C.   Garcia-Miro  (LAEFF-INTA,   Madrid  and   IAA-CSIC, Granada),  J.
Gorosabel  (DSRI,  Copenhagen),  J.   Calvo  (INSA, Madrid)  and  A.J.
Castro-Tirado (LAEFF-INTA, Madrid and IAA-CSIC, Granada) report:

We scanned  at 8.42-GHz  the  position of the  afterglow reported  for
GRB 991208 (GCN 451) with  the 70-m radio-telescope  of the Madrid Deep
Space Communication Center  (MDSCC,  NASA-INTA) located at  Robledo de
Chavela, Madrid.   The observations were  based  on two observing runs
carried out on Dec 22.2491-22.6488 UT and Dec 23.3243-23.6095 UT 1999.
We derive a  1 sigma upper  limit for the flux  density of 3.5 mJy for
the afterglow. The authors wish  to thank the  MDSCC staff and the JPL
scheduler for their enthusiastic support.

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