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GCN Circular 545

Optical candidate for GRB000210
2000-02-11T19:49:59Z (25 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid <>
J. Gorosabel (DSRI, Copehagen)
B. L. Jensen, L.F. Olsen, L. Christensen, J. Hjorth, H. Pedersen (U. Copenhagen)
M. I. Andersen (U. Oulu)
A. O. Jaunsen (U. Oslo)
on behalf of a larger European collaboration report:

R-band images obtained at the 1.54-m Danish Telescope on Feb 11.03-11.08 contain
a faint object located at alfa(2000)=01 59 15.6 delta(2000)=-40 39 33.8
+/- 2". The position of the object is consistent with the X-ray position
determined by Chandra (GCN 544).  The magnitude of the object is about
R~23.1+/-0.5. Optical/IR observations are urgently required.

[GCN OPS NOTE (11Feb00): The time-of-observation was incorrect in the
distributed version of Circular 545.  The time was listed as Feb 2.03-2.08,
but the correct time is Feb 11.03-11.08.  The statement of "on behalf
of a larger European collaboration" was also added.  This archived copy
has been corrected.]
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