GCN Circular 5476
GRB060825: Liverpool Telescope optical observations
2006-08-25T09:50:24Z (18 years ago)
Andreja Gomboc at LT,ARI,Liverpool JMU <ag@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
A. Gomboc reports on behalf of the Liverpool GRB group:
The 2-m Liverpool Telescope (La Palma, Canary Islands) robotically
followed-up GRB060825 (SWIFT trigger 226382, Sato et al. GCN
5471) starting 2.6 min after the GRB trigger time. We do not find an
optical counterpart in 6 x 10s co-added images at the mean time 5.7 min
after the trigger to a limiting magnitude of R~18.3.
Limiting magnitude has been derived with reference to USNOB1.