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GCN Circular 5493

GRB 060901: further INTEGRAL results
2006-09-01T21:23:59Z (19 years ago)
Sandro Mereghetti at IASF/CNR <>
S. Mereghetti (IASF, Milano), D.Gotz (CEA, Saclay) on behalf of the IBAS 
Localization Team report:

GRB 060901 was relatively bright and saturated the ISGRI telemetry. 
Preliminary estimates of the peak flux and fluence in the 20-200 keV 
energy range are 6.6 ph (7x10e-7 erg)/cmq/s and 3.5x10e-6 erg/cmq.

Due to the telemetry gaps these should be considered as lower limits
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