GCN Circular 5501
GRB060901: Optical observations
2006-09-03T19:51:06Z (18 years ago)
Klaas Wiersema at GRACE/U of Amsterdam <kwrsema@science.uva.nl>
K. Wiersema (University of Amsterdam) and C.C. Thoene (DARK Cosmology
Centre) report:
Using DFOSC on the Danish 1.5m telescope at La Silla we obtained R band
imaging of the error circle of Integral burst GRB060901.
Observations consisted of a series of 5 min exposures, starting at 1 Sep
23:46 UT and lasted until 2 Sep 02:19 UT. A second epoch was taken
from 03:59 UT to 04:25 UT.
We performed PSF matched image subtraction (Alard 2000) on the dataset as
the field is very crowded. We find no significantly varying source in or
near the XRT error circle (Racusin, GCN5496). Our full stacked dataset
reaches a limiting magnitude of R~23.9.