GCN Circular 553
GRB000210 X-ray afterglow
2000-02-14T16:39:43Z (25 years ago)
Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma <angelo@quasar.mporzio.astro.it>
E. Costa, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, CNR, Rome,
L.A. Antonelli, Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Rome,
J. in 't Zand, Space Research Organization Netherlands, Utrecht;
M. Stornelli, D. Ricci, M.R. Daniele, M. Capalbi, BeppoSAX Science
Operations Center, Telespazio, Rome; M. Feroci, G. Gandolfi, Istituto di
Astrofisica Spaziale, CNR, Rome, E. Pian, ITESRE, CNR, Bologna, report:
"GRB 000210 was observed with the Narrow Field Instruments (NFI) on board
BeppoSAX from Feb. 10.66 UT to 11.98 UT (starting 7.2 hrs after the
burst trigger time). In the combined image of both Medium-Energy
Concentrator Spectrometers, taken over the whole observation, a point
source, showing an unambiguous fading behaviour, is detected with a
position of R.A. = 01h59m15.9s, Decl. = -40d39'29" (Eq. 2000.0) and an
error circle of 50''. This is consistent with the position given by
Chandra in an observation performed during the central part of BeppoSAX
observation (GCN #548) and with the position of the optical object
reported in GCN #545. In the first 30,000 s of the observation the
object flux (2-10 keV) is about 4.5E-13 erg/cmE2/s. In the last 40,000 s
of the observation the source has faded of about a factor three but a
fainter soft source, located at about 2 arcmin NE from the X-ray
afterglow, contributes a flux not negligible. Therefore an evaluation
of the flux and the decay law needs a more refined analysis."
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