GCN Circular 5594
GRB060923C : Faulkes Telescope South optical limits
2006-09-23T16:08:08Z (18 years ago)
Andrea Melandri at Liverpool John Moores U <axm@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
A. Melandri (Liverpool JMU), C. Guidorzi (Univ Bicocca & INAF-OAB),
A. Gomboc (University of Ljubljana), I.A. Steele, R.J. Smith,
C.G. Mundell, A. Monfardini, D. Carter, S. Kobayashi, D. Bersier,
M. Bode (Liverpool JMU), P. O'Brien, E. Rol, N. Bannister (Leicester)
The 2m Faulkes Telescope South (Siding Spring, Australia) automatically
reacted to the Swift burst GRB 060923C (trigger 230711, Stamatikos et al.,
GCN 5591).
Observations were performed in the R-band. From t=19.38 min to t=20.27 min
(after the burst event) a 3x10s stacked image gives a limiting magnitude
R > 19.5 inside the XRT error circle (Stamatikos et al. GCN 5591).
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