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GCN Circular 5635

GRB 060927: Possible host galaxy (star?) in the SDSS
2006-09-27T16:15:49Z (18 years ago)
Alexander Kann at TLS Tautenburg <>
D. A. Kann (TLS Tautenburg) reports:

There is a faint object visible in the SDSS r' band image (Cool 
et al., GCN 5631) at position:

RA  =   21:58:11.95  (329.54981)
Dec = +05:21:51.34 (5.36426)

It has model magnitudes:

u' = 24.114 +/- 0.976
g' = 24.414 +/- 0.497
r' = 22.915 +/- 0.216
i' = 23.009 +/- 0.345
z' = 21.672 +/- 0.426

This is very close to the afterglow location determined by 
Schaefer et al. (GCN 5629) and Guidorzi et al. (GCN 5633) and 
closer than the APM galaxy mentioned by Barbier et al. (GCN 

The object is listed a being a star in the SDSS object table, but 
it could also be a very compact host galaxy. If it is a star, 
special care must be taken when undertaking deep photometry.

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