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GCN Circular 5658

GRB 060929: BART observation
2006-09-29T23:01:48Z (18 years ago)
Petr Kubanek at AIO <>
M. Nekola, F. Munz, J. Strobl (ASu AV CR Ondrejov), A. de Ugarte Postigo
(IAA-CSIC Granada) & P.Kubanek (ASu AV CR Ondrejov & ISDC Versoix) on
behalf of a larger collaboration reports:

BART 25 cm telescope, located at Ondrejov, Czech Republic, observed
position of the SWIFT error box for GRB 060929 (Markwardt et al. GCN
5654) starting at 19:59:12 UT (T + 2 min 39 sec). We did not detect any
new source down to R ~ 16.5 mag on first 20 sec image, as well as on
combination of first three 20 sec images with mean time 2 min 49 sec
down to R ~ 17 mag. Observation was stopped after 20 minutes due to
approaching rain.

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