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GCN Circular 5814

Swift/UVOT Upper Limits for GRB061110b
2006-11-11T20:08:47Z (18 years ago)
Patricia Schady at MSSL/Swift <>
P. Schady (UCL-MSSL), D.B. Fox (PSU) report on behalf of the
Swift/UVOT team:

The Swift/UVOT began observing the field of GRB 061110b at 22:49:14 on 
2006-11-10 UT, ~50 minutes after the BAT trigger (Fox et al., GCN 5800). 
No new source was detected within the XRT error circle (Grupe et al., GCN 
5811) or at the afterglow position reported by Melandri et al. (GCN 5804) 
in coadded images in any filter down to the following 3-sigma magnitude 
upper limits:

Filter  T_mid (s)    Exp. (s) 3-sigma UL
V       12256           1438    20.14
B       19296           2815    21.57
U       18864           2164    21.08
UVW1    18288           1928    20.58
UVM2    18192           1279    20.61
UVW2    13376           1737    20.99
White   15952           2494	21.03

T_mid is the mid time of the coadded exposure with respect to the BAT trigger. 
These upper limits are not corrected for Galactic extinction E(B-V) = 0.04.
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