GCN Circular 5822
GRB 060605: NIR Observations
2006-11-15T11:13:12Z (18 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <aupdike@clemson.edu>
A. C. Updike, B. C. Donehew, and D. H. Hartmann (Clemson University)
report on behalf of the Clemson GRB Follow-Up Team:
Using the Kitt Peak 2.1m telescope and FLAMINGOS NIR imaging and
spectroscopy instrument, we imaged the field of GRB 060605. Under fair
conditions, we integrated for two hours in the J band. At the location of
the optical afterglow (GCN 5222), we do not detect the host galaxy to a
limiting magnitude of 17.4.
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