GCN Circular 5826
GRB061121: Spectroscopic Redshift
2006-11-21T16:26:12Z (18 years ago)
Daniel Perley at U.C. Berkeley <dperley@astro.berkeley.edu>
J. S. Bloom, D. A. Perley (UC Berkeley) and H.W. Chen (Chicago) report,
"Following the detection of the optical afterglow (GCN 5823, GCN 5824,
GCN 5825), we obtained approximately 8 spectroscopic exposures of
120-180 seconds each, beginning at ~15:36 UT with the Keck I 10m
telescope + LRIS.
The afterglow is strongly detected in all exposures. Based on a
preliminary wavelength solution, we identify in absorption a doublet and
singlet complex which we identify as redshifted Mg I 2853 Ang, Mg II
2796, 2804 Ang at z = 1.314. We suggest this is redshift of GRB 0611121.
Further analysis is ongoing."
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