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GCN Circular 584

GRB000301C, Optical Spectroscopy
2000-03-05T02:01:45Z (25 years ago)
Mike Eracleous at PSU, Astro.Dept. <>
M. Eracleous (Penn State), M. Shetrone (Mc Donald Obs.), S. Sigurdsson,
P. Meszaros (Penn State), J. C. Wheeler, and L. Wang (U. Texas)
on behalf of the Hobby-Eberly telescope GRB follow-up team:

"We obtained a spectrum of GRB 000301C with the Low-Resolution
Spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope on March 4.410. The
spectrum, which was taken under non-ideal weather and seeing
conditions, covers the range 4100-8000 A.  We detect no obvious
emission or absorption features. The flux density per unit frequency
interval (f-nu) appears to increase monotonically toward the red."

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