GCN Circular 5852
GRB 061122: Confirmation of X-ray/Optical Afterglow
2006-11-24T23:20:51Z (18 years ago)
Jules Halpern at Columbia U. <jules@astro.columbia.edu>
In follow-up Swift XRT observations of INTEGRAL GRB 061122
(Mereghetti et al., GCN 5834,5836) the X-ray source reported
by Beardmore et al. (GCN 5842) as having 0.065 counts/s at 7 hr
after the burst, has faded to 0.0047 counts/s averaged over the
interval 18-55 hr post burst. Therefore, I regard this as
confirmation of the X-ray afterglow as well as the coincident
optical afterglow reported in GCN 5849.