GCN Circular 5867
RHESSI Spectrum of GRB061126
2006-11-27T01:07:48Z (18 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <khurley@ssl.berkeley.edu>
E. Bellm, M. Bandstra, S. Boggs, C. Wigger, W. Hajdas,
D. M. Smith, and K. Hurley on behalf of the RHESSI team report:
As observed by RHESSI, GRB061126 (Sbarufatti et al., GCN 5854; Krimm
et al., GCN 5860) had a duration of ~25s starting at about T0=8:47:54 UT.
A fit to the time-integrated RHESSI spectrum of the main period of emission
from T0+6s - T0+13s between 30 keV and 10 MeV gives a cutoff power law, with
alpha = -0.95 +0.29/-0.23
E0 = 890. +740/-370. keV
Epeak = 935. +/-360. keV
(90% confidence levels).
The 30 keV-2 MeV fluence is ~2 E-5 erg/cm^2.
This fit is preliminary and may be improved with ongoing analysis.