GCN Circular 5895
GRB 061201: SOAR Confirmation of Candidate Afterglow
2006-12-03T20:55:46Z (18 years ago)
Josh Haislip at U.North Carolina <haislip@physics.unc.edu>
J. Haislip, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, S. Heathcote, P. Ugarte, A. Alvares,
R. Baptista, & M. Nysewander report on behalf of the UNC team of the FUN
GRB Collaboration:
We observed the localization of the short/hard GRB 061201 (Marshal et al.,
GCN 5881) with SOAR/OSIRIS in JKs beginning 10.2 hours after the burst.
We detect the source identified by Holland et al. (GCN 5883) and D'Avanzo
et al. (GCN 5884).
We reobserved the field in J beginning 33.6 hours after the burst. The
source appears to have faded by at least 1.3 mag (3 sigma) and is no longer
Consequently, this source appears to be the afterglow.