GCN Circular 5952
GRB 061201: Magellan redshift of nearby galaxy
2006-12-21T21:13:16Z (18 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <eberger@ociw.edu>
E. Berger (Carnegie) reports:
"Starting on 2006 Dec. 21.07 UT we used LDSS3 on Magellan to obtain an
1800 sec spectrum of the galaxy located 17 arcsec NW of the optical
afterglow of the short GRB 061201 (see also GCN #5884). This is the
nearest bright galaxy (R~19 mag) to the GRB position. We detect several
emission lines, which we identify as H-beta, [OIII], H-alpha, [NII], and
[SII] at a redshift of z=0.111. At this redshift the projected offset of
the burst is about 34 kpc, significantly smaller than about 1.9 Mpc
relative to the center of Abell 995 (GCN #5944)."