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GCN Circular 5975

GRB 061222A: Gemini Afterglow Candidate
2006-12-23T03:26:07Z (18 years ago)
S. Bradley Cenko at Caltech <>
S. B. Cenko (Caltech) and D. B. Fox (Penn State) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:

We have imaged the field of GRB061222A (Grupe et al, GCN 5954) with the
Near-Infrared Imager mounted on the Gemini-North telescope.  Observations
were taken in the Ks filter at a mean epoch of ~ 5:50 Dec. 22 UT.  Inside
the revised XRT error circle (Grupe et al, GCN 5966), we find one faint
source at location (J2000.0):

	RA: 23:53:03.40
        Dec: +46:31:58.5

(+/- 1.0").  Based on several 2MASS stars in the field, we measure a
magnitude of Ks ~ 20.5, with large uncertainty dominated by both the
faintness of the object and photometric uncertainty.  At this point we
cannot determine if the object is variable or not.

Further observations are planned.
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