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GCN Circular 597

GRB 000301C, Optical Observation
2000-03-07T13:31:02Z (25 years ago)
Sergej Zharikov at OAN IA UNAM <>
GRB 000301C, Optical Observation

R. Mujica, V. Chavushyan, INAOE; S. Zharikov, G. Tovmassian, OAN IA
UNAM, Mexico, report:

We observed GRB 000301C optical counterpart in the R band on March
4.458 UT using the 2.1m  telescope of the "Guillermo Haro" Observatory in
Cananea, Sonora, Mexico with the Landessternwarte Faint Object
Spectrograph and Camera (LFOSC). Using reference  stars A-D of Garnevich
et al. (GCN 573), we derive  R-band magnitude of  R = 20.54+\-0.06 for
the OT at 2000 March 4.458 UT. This magnitude is in a good agreement
with other observations that were obtained approximately at the  same
time (GCN #581, 582, 593).

This message may be cited.

[GCN OPS NOTE:  This submission was delayed several hours because of a
change in the submitor's address.]
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