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GCN Circular 5994

GRB070103: KPNO 4m+FLAMINGOS J limit
2007-01-04T19:39:46Z (18 years ago)
Adria C. Updike at Clemson U <>
A. C. Updike, D. H. Hartmann (Clemson University), S. Klose (TLS), and A. Fruchter (STScI) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

GRB 070103 (GCN 5988, T. Sakamoto et al.) was observed using the KPNO 4m + FLAMINGOS.  Observations in the J band began at UT 01:40:53 (4 hours and 54 minutes after the burst).  We obtained 13 x 5 min exposures.  At the refined XRT position (GCN 5992, V. Mangano et al.) we detect no new sources in the stacked image brighter than J=21 magnitudes calibrated with respect to the 2MASS point source catalog.  This limit is based on the faintest sources detected using Sextrator with a 1 sigma uncertainty of 0.2 magnitudes.

The Clemson University GRB Response Site may be found at:

We would like to acknowledge the excellent support of NOAO staff and observers, particularly E. Lada, N. Rashkind, M. Huerta, H. Halbedel, D. Joyce, K. M. Merrill, and B. Jannuzi.

These observations were carried out under the NOAO-Clemson GRB ToO program 2006B-0594.

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