GCN Circular 6054
GRB 070125: An IR Point Source and an Apparent Host Galaxy
2007-01-30T07:22:11Z (18 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <jbloom@astron.berkeley.edu>
J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley), D. Starr (UC Berkeley), and C. H. Blake
(CfA/Harvard) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
For 11136 sec between 2007 Jan 28 02:54 UTC and 2007 Jan 28 09:37 we
observed the field of GRB 070125 (Hurley et al. 6024) with the
PAIRITEL 1.3m in Mt Hopkins, Arizona. Consistent with the afterglow
position reported in Cenko & Fox (GCN 6028) we detect a faint
(apparent point-like) source in J, H, and Ks band. The preliminary
magnitudes are:
J = 18.82 � 0.26
H = 18.33 � 0.25
Ks = 17.86 � 0.25
This source appears to be embedded in the Eastern edge of an apparent
galaxy, extending ~2.5" to the West from the OT; we associate this as
the host galaxy of GRB 070125. At the Western edge of the "host"
there is faint knot at position 07:51:17.49, +31:09:03.4 (J2000).
Few Swift GRB hosts are detected with similar integration times on
PAIRITEL and those that have been are uniformly low redshift. Given
this and the previous observational evidence for a low z (Prochaska
et al. 6031, 6032; Marshall et al. 6041), we continue to urge long-
term monitoring of GRB 070125 in search of any associated supernova.
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