GCN Circular 6070
GRB 070129: afterglow confirmation
2007-02-03T07:55:02Z (18 years ago)
Daniele Malesani at Niels Bohr Inst,Dark Cosmology Center <malesani@astro.ku.dk>
D. Malesani (Dark/NBI), P.M. Vreeswijk (ESO), P. Jakobsson (Univ.
Hertfordshire), J.P.U. Fynbo (Dark/NBI), D.A. Kann (TLS Tautenburg), G.
Micheva (Stockolm Obs.), J. Holopainen (Turku Univ.), report on behalf of
a larger collaboration:
We have observed the field of GRB 070129 (Godet et al., GCN 6053) with the
NOT telescope equipped with StanCam. R-band observations were carried out
starting on 2007 Feb 2.822 UT (mean time 2.828 UT, i.e. 3.84 days after
the GRB).
The object seen in our VLT images and lying inside the XRT error circle
(Malesani et al., GCN 6055) has clearly faded (by at least 2 mag). It is
no longer visible in the new images. It is thus the afterglow of GRB
070129. Its location is consistent with the refined XRT position (Godet et
al., GCN 6056).
We also report the object coordinates (J2000):
RA = 02:28:00.94
Dec = +11:41:04.0
In our previous circular (GCN 6055), the declination was incorrectly
reported as being "-11", as first pointed out by Xin et al. (GCN 6057). We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.